The Fedris regional office in Liège moved to the RVA building (rue Jean Gol 2 - 4000 Liège) on 1 March. This building is close to the Liège-Guillemins railway station, which will basically increase accessibility for citizens.
Apart from the healthcare forms that must now be sent directly to Brussels (Fedris - Avenue de l'Astronomie 1 - 1210 Bruxelles), the office in Liège office will continue their work as usual. Citizens are still welcome to ask various questions, request and deliver documents or to speak to a social assistant every Monday between 9 am and 12 pm (exceptionally, no social assistant will be able to be present on Mondays 4 and 11 March).
The regional office will not be available on Friday 1 March because of the move. From Monday 4 March we will again be at your service in Liege.